Fournisseur d’ingrédients et façonnier

We provide multifaceted support: designing formulas, supplying ingredients and manufacturing the product

As we are the formula designer, ingredient supplier and manufacturer all in one, we can accompany you in a range of different capacities during your development projects, depending on your requirements.

Our support packages:

Gamme existante

Existing range

We can provide liquid extracts in our existing range as either ingredients (bulk packaging of sterile solid containers or sachets) or finished products (packaged in ampoules, or other pack types on request). Contact us to learn more about our range.


Tailored to you

We fulfil the role of ingredient supplier and manufacturer. From a set of specifications defined with your input, we support you in developing a tailored, unique formula, created in line with your requirements, from selecting the nutrient concentrations to choosing the accompanying fragrances. We ensure targeted market positioning, thanks to specific appropriate sourcing. Packaging design to suit a bespoke ingredient or a finished product.

Conditionnement à façon

Custom-made packaging

Entrust us with your formulas or bulk products, and we incorporate them into our process to provide you with sterile finished products, packed with no preservatives and undergoing no heat treatment.

Packaging options within our support packages

Packaging of ingredients: Sterile solid containers / sachets from 20 L to 1 m³

Packaging of finished products: Double-tip ampoules, capacity 5 / 10 / 15 ml and bottles

Autre conditionnement sur demande

Other packaging on request